Did you know that you can get Chiropractic care during your pregnancy which can help reduce pain?
How about after you give birth, did you know Dr. Brown is well versed in treating women all through their pregnancy, and even after! He is even Webster Certified!
How about Pediatrics? Did you know that Chiropractic care on children can have a profound affect on their sleep patterns, attitudes, or even lack of motion in the cervical spine. A lot of times you might notice that your newborn is only turning their head in one direction to breast feed, or when laying down they always have their had cocked to one side and don’t seem to want to turn it. A child is continually growing and their bodies are changing. Plus kids are kids and tend to be rough on their bodies and take big falls.
These are all great reasons to bring your child in and see if Chiropractic care is right for them.
Give us a call if you want to learn more! 360-474-7531